…and I had no idea that this “holiday” existed. I only found out about this through Metrodeals in an email: “11–11 Singles’ Day Supersale Preview” and I thought it was a joke. Like how did Metrodeal know this about me? A little research and Wikipedia gave me this: Chinese Singles’ Day or Guanggun
Read MoreSo this happened last weekend: https://www.instagram.com/p/BDYOP2lusNZ/ What a relief to finally write THE END. I haven’t finished anything since I finished Fall Like Rain years ago. That makes me feel a little bad because I really wasn’t working hard enough on this, but also not too bad because this was a
Read MoreI turned 30 today! I’ve been out and about all day, and it’s only now that I got to wind down from being out and about. Now I’m curled up in a chair looking out Ortigas with a glass of wine as I try to cram all the blogging and replying
Read MoreOkay, we have a little something up our sleeves. More details soon, but for now, save the date: April 17, 2016, Sunday, 1-5PM. Get ready for #AprilFEELSday. ♥ * * * I’m so close to the end of Novel # 2, I can almost taste it. I’m doing a combination of revising/writing
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