ana tejano

Figuring out what it means to be made for love

Hello, 2017!

Happy second day of 2017! So, like everyone else, 2016 has been an eventful year for me, too. I wrote a general recap of it in my personal blog, and most of the things I put there were book things and #romanceclass things because there were just so many of them that I want to […]

Happy second day of 2017!

So, like everyone else, 2016 has been an eventful year for me, too. I wrote a general recap of it in my personal blog, and most of the things I put there were book things and #romanceclass things because there were just so many of them that I want to remember. But if you’re too lazy to click over there for the recap, here’s a quick list:

I didn’t really set a number of books I want to publish, because what I really wanted this year was to get some things out, and I was glad to say that I did it. I missed that feeling, and I know I could do the work faster.

So what’s next, 2017?

Late last year, many things happened in my country and in the world that were downright scary and if you let it, it would lead you to despair. But in the midst of all that, my friends and I sought solace in the arts: music, theater, books, and even just simply talking about writing with one another. That kept us hopeful in some way, and even more determined to just keep doing what we do. And that’s when I realized why art is important – not just because it’s an effective distraction, but because it informs, it allows us to be hopeful by first introducing us to beauty. As Bishop Robert Barron said last year – we must begin with the beautiful, because beauty will lead us to what is true and what is good.

And with that in mind, here are some ~plans for the year:

  • Publish at least 2 more books (hopefully not counting any short story contributions to any anthology — yes, we’re planning more!)
  • Help indie authors in branding and marketing
  • Explore new-to-me authors/settings/genres in books
  • Make room for more art and gratitude in my life 🙂

I leave you with wise words from Neil Gaiman that you’ve probably read so many times before, but it’s a reminder and a wish for everyone this year:

Image from Chic Type


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