I turned 30 today! I’ve been out and about all day, and it’s only now that I got to wind down from being out and about. Now I’m curled up in a chair looking out Ortigas with a glass of wine as I try to cram all the blogging and replying
Read MoreOkay, we have a little something up our sleeves. More details soon, but for now, save the date: April 17, 2016, Sunday, 1-5PM. Get ready for #AprilFEELSday. ♥ * * * I’m so close to the end of Novel # 2, I can almost taste it. I’m doing a combination of revising/writing
Read MoreSONGS TO GET OVER YOU (Playlist #2) by Jay E. Tria Published on Feb 29, 2016 Genre: Contemporary Romance Goodreads | Amazon It’s harder to get over someone who was never really yours. They say rock stars get all the girls. But Miki knows that’s not always true. He, for
Read MoreI had this other, longer blog entry about jumping ship and changing POVs and stuff that I was supposed to post last Wednesday, but Thursday I decided that effort (changing POVs) wasn’t going to happen. In a way, that’s a relief because as much as it was interesting at first,
Read MoreI realized that I’m pretty bad with personal deadlines lately. Case in point: there’s this email that I was supposed to send even before the new year rolled by but I only got to send it this week. This was a bit personal so there was a lot of stuff
Read MoreIt’s kind of weird writing this blog post when I haven’t even fixed the entire site yet, but I kind of don’t want people to go here with just one post when this finally opens. So when this is finally open, and you’re reading this: hello, welcome to the website. Or,
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