Tag: live reading


#FeelsFest Recap: Here, have my feelings

So it’s been a week and a day since #FeelsFest happened, and I think I’m coherent enough to do a recap. Soon after we finished our super exhausting and successful time at the Manila International Book Fair, it was time to get started preparing for #FeelsFest. No rest for the feelings, as we said.

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#romanceclass x MIBF 2016 + #AllTheFeels

Around this month a year ago, I was hanging out with some friends at the Manila International Book Fair, chatting about books and author stuff when we heard some massive screaming from readers (yes, readers!) in the convention hall for some event. We started making jokes about how we want

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It’s April and we feel Things

Who would have thought that it would become this three years ago? When Ron asked that question sometime in the middle of that hot Sunday afternoon while we were in Pegi Waffles, I smiled. I’ve asked the same thing about other things several times (like Filipino ReaderCon, or the book club),

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