New Editions: Fall Like Rain and Keep the Faith
Well, I haven’t blogged for five months, look at that.
In the original plan in my head, I’d be blogging now because it’s Meah’s book birthday. But plans don’t always happen, because I still don’t have Meah’s book after several writer’s blocks in the past months. It’s not a fun time, even if sometimes I just laughed it off — most of it was frustrating, until I finally accepted that (1) having a tight deadline is not going to work for me (at least for this project), and (2) I need to take it easy and let the story breathe.
I went back to writing Meah yesterday, though, and it’s been okay so far. I’m not sure if it will make it before the end of the year, but let’s see. 🙂
On that note, since I don’t have Meah’s book yet, I went back to Rain and Faith and decided to give them a makeover. 🙂 Last May and June, I joined #romanceclasscovers and co-sponsored two photo shoots with our live readers, Vanya Castor, Fred Lo, Gio Gahol, Rachel Coates, and Gab Pangilinan. The Vanya and Fred photos will be for Meah and Ruth’s books, but the Gio-Rachel and Gio-Gab were for the existing (haha) children – they did live read them, after all. So check them out – the new covers of Fall Like Rain and Keep the Faith.

Both covers were designed by Miles Tan, who also designed my cover for Keep the Faith. Aren’t they gorgeous? I was so happy when I saw these, and I think they fit stories well. (Plus it will look all matchy-matchy when Meah’s book comes out.)
The new version of Fall Like Rain will contain an excerpt from Keep the Faith, while Keep the Faith‘s new version has Five Minutes Till Midnight, a short story that was first published in Make My Wish Come True: a #RomanceClass Christmas Anthology. Ebooks are now updated on Amazon, and if you bought it there before, it should update soon. New print editions (PH) will be available starting #FeelsFest2017, and soon on Createspace. On Goodreads, you can see these new editions here and here.
I still love the previous covers, though, and I’m still deciding what to do with them! Maybe make them into postcards? Or just you know, have both versions available (in print, that is)? What do you think?