Hello, 2018!
Hey look it’s 2018! Hello, how’s the first day of the year treating you so far? 🙂
2017 was very eventful, more in terms of #romanceclass events than the actual writing. We had several events for the community in the past year that I’ve actively participated in the behind-the-scenes (and I only got to recap one, haha) that it feels like I’ve spent most of the year with them. That’s probably true, and I don’t mind. Oh, and I got my books live read twice this year, and nope, the feeling still doesn’t go away. (And I’m getting something read out loud this week so hello, nerves!)
In terms of books, 2017 was the year of the short story and new editions, which I celebrate because writing Meah’s book was a challenge that I didn’t really expect. I think there’s a pattern with the books I’ve been writing since 2013, that it takes about 1.5-2 years before I get a new, full-length book out. This is slightly worrying because what about my goals, but then, 2017 was the year I learned to be patient with my writer self, to cut myself some slack, and to keep trying and throwing things at the wall until something breaks. I think I’ve broken through the wall now, so let’s all cross our fingers I won’t rewrite anything again.
Last year was also the year of Purpose-Driven Branding, thanks to The Purposeful Creative. I’ve attended marketing classes before but this one was more personal, and well, more purpose-driven that I ended up reviewing my brand purpose and working on my content plan for the first quarter of 2018 on the last day of 2017. I’m excited about the challenge of trying to reach for my marketing goals this year, learning from these experiments, and sharing it all with you.
On reading, well 2017 was the year I read the least books (39), and maybe my slowest reading pace? Life happened, and I have a feeling that I should start culling my TBR because I don’t think I’ll be able to read all the impulse buys I made years ago. I did read the following books by Filipino authors/creators (links to buy when you click, if available!):
- Keeping the Distance by Clarisse David
- Waiting in the Wings by Tara Frejas
- Better at Weddings Than You by Mina V. Esguerra
- Promdi Heart by Georgette S. Gonzales, Agay Llanera, Chris Mariano, C.P. Santi, Jay E. Tria, and Ines Bautista-Yao
- Summer Crush by Six de los Reyes, Tara Frejas, Jay E. Tria
- This is How It Starts by Dawn Lanuza
- The Queen’s Game by Carla de Guzman
- Like Nobody’s Watching by Tara Frejas
- Ghost of a Feeling by Celestine Trinidad
- Making it Complicated by Clarisse David
- You Out of Nowhere by Jay E. Tria
- Swept Off My Feet by Ines Bautista-Yao
- Sagala by Tori Tadiar
I’ll do better with this. 🙂
So what’s next, 2018?
2017 was a pretty good year because of a lot of unexpected things in my non-author life, and a lot of lessons in my author life. It’s definitely not seemingly dark as 2016, so it was good. I do feel like I kind of just cruised along this year, so in 2018 I want to be more active with this, to step out in faith and to try more things rather than wait for things to happen. 2018 will be all about being open and trusting. I have no idea where that will lead me, but like what Faith said, uncertainties are an exercise in faith.
Here are some 2018 ~plans!
- Publish Meah’s book (let’s gooo)
- Work (and hopefully publish) Ruth and Ian’s book
- Quarterly marketing + content plans + and take time to evaluate them for learning and sharing
- More #romanceclass Things!
- Read more than I did in 2017
- Keep making room for art and gratitude in my life 🙂
- Be kind to myself and honor my pace, but also remember that done is better than perfect. (Thanks, Arriane!)
Are you ready? Let’s go. 🙂